Classes Online In Graphic Art Education: What You Can Expect

Almost every classroom course that you can take is now offered as an online course, including courses in graphic art education. Here is what you can expect when taking a visual arts class such as the ones offered for this very subject.

Learning and Reteaching

Online graphic art education classes are all about learning the subject of graphic arts first, and reteaching it to others second. Since this is not an easy thing to do with technology, it is important to grasp graphic art principles and the role of computers and software in graphic (digital) art. You may need to take some courses in the subject of graphic arts first before you take courses in how to teach it, especially if you are a more traditional artist working with traditional media. It is also common for many of the teaching courses to have prerequisites that you will have to take first, unless the institution of higher learning allows life experience as a graphic artist to transfer in as credit.

Submitting Assignments

Assignments completed for graphic art classes are sent as attachments to emails for your instructors. There may be some software programs, such as "Google Docs" which also allow you to post your completed work on a platform for which your instructors and you both have the password and to which all of you have access. You will need to read the course descriptions thoroughly and contact the course instructors if you have questions prior to registering for these courses so that timely submission of your work will not be a problem.

Submitting a Video of Teaching Proficiency Skills

Since the teaching aspects of your graphic art education courses cannot be viewed in action, some of your online instructors will ask for a video. This usually involves a set of parameters you have to follow to create the video and it should show you teaching a group of students or adults what you have learned in your graphic arts courses thus far. Your instructors will send you a grading rubric via email which will help you understand what they are looking for and what they want to see in the video. The video should record all of one class period wherein you are the primary teacher of the course (e.g., if you teach your students for an hour, the video should be as long as the class time and should cover the very start of class until your students are excused). Passing your graphic art education course often depends on this video or some other form of teaching proficiency skills test. 

For more information about online classes and education, contact a company like Polaris Career Center.

About Me

Never Give up on Your Academic Passion

I have loved science ever since I was a child. I loved my science classes in grade school, middle school, and high school. After I started college, I found my second chemistry course very tough. I struggled so much that I began to think I would have to change my major. I had never sought tutoring before, but I decided to try it out to help me get a decent grade in the course. I was shocked when my class began to make complete sense with the help of my tutor. He just explained the lessons a little differently than my professor. I then realized that it was just a professor/student clash. I decided not to change my major, after all! I want to help others achieve their education goals, so I decided to start a blog to share my experiences and tips!


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